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What If You Could Book More Guests Into Your BNB Just By Making A Few Simple Tweaks With The Help Of AI?

This Mini-Course Will Equip You With Innovative Tools And Strategies To Maximize Your Listing Attractiveness and Visibility.  This Is Crucial For Hosts As It Directly Impacts Your Booking Rates and Revenue! 

You want to use AI in your BNB business and stay on top of the trend...

Only problem is.... Where the heck do you start!?

These 4 mini hurdles have been keeping you from having the BNB business you want...

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which One Is Keeping You Stuck??

PROBLEM #1: Technological Intimidation and Uncertainty: Many hosts may feel intimidated by AI technology due to a lack of technical background or understanding. The perception that AI is complex and difficult to navigate can be a major barrier. 

PROBLEM #2: Not Knowing Where You Should Use AI: Hosts who are unaware of the full capabilities of AI tools like ChatGPT might underutilize them, using them for basic tasks while missing out on more advanced features that could optimize your listings, enhance guest communication, and improve overall operational efficiency. 

PROBLEM #3: Inability to Blend AI into Existing Systems: Without a clear understanding of how AI can be integrated into your current business processes, hosts may struggle to see how these tools can fit into your workflow. This lack of insight can prevent you from leveraging AI to automate routine tasks, analyze guest feedback effectively, or create more personalized guest experiences. 

PROBLEM #4: Concerns Over AI Replacing Personal Touch: Some hosts might worry that using AI will make your interactions with guests feel less personal. You may not know how to balance the efficiency of AI with the personalization that is key to the hospitality industry. This is I think the biggest thing stopping you!!!

It feels like there are SO MANY CHANGES happening in the AI world daily, it causes you to...

  • IGNORE IT so you are being left behind
  • Lowering your Average Daily Rates in hopes of getting booked

And no matter how hard you try to stay on top, you see your bookings decline and the AI information increase, leaving you farther and farther behind...

Well Hello There....  I'm Tracey!

If you are new to me, I have been in the BNB business since September 2022, had my first 2 properties to manage on day 4 of starting this journey, and grew from 0 to over 20 properties in a very short period of time. 

Prior to this, I was a gym owner for over 20 years, which C***D changed the industry forever. I sold the gym in April 2023.  I was also featured in Robert Kiyosak's Rich Dad Success Stories Book, I am the second story which is my claim to fame.

As I started to grow my BNB portfolio I discovered a few things right away...  First, there were SO many AI tools to help streamline my business but it was overwhelming and second, I decided I needed to learn how to use these tools because I did not want to fall behind and I could see the industry changing quickly.

So I dug in and started to educate myself, implement, and use all the tools available to me. I started to see my bookings increase, my daily time decrease and everything was and is running smoother than ever before.  So I decided it was time to share all this information with other hosts and so I put together this 4-day Mini-Course!

Here is the truth, friend: If you are going to be successful in the BNB business, you are going to have to get real about, well....  the Jumping On The AI Train!

It doesn't matter how amazing your property is,  or how many amenities you have to offer.

If you are not using all the SMART AI TOOLS available to help boost your listing, you will be left behind and your BNB will suffer because of it!

The most successful BNB host know that to build an amazing BNB business without working on their listing 24/7, answering messages all day and night, and changing prices daily to stay competitive they need to have these three things in place:  

And that's knowing how to LEVERAGE the power of AI, STREAMLINE guest communication, and lastly knowing which tools you should be using. 

Once you have these 3 things nailed down you will see a thriving increase in your bookings, you will have more free time, and enjoy life just a little bit more!

Maximizing Listing Attractiveness and Visibility!
4-Day Mini Course Will Equip You With Innovative Tools and Strategies to Stay Ahead In the Competitive BNB Market As Well As Save You Time!

"Go from not even knowing where to start, to streamlining with AI and giving yourself more free time." 

By the end of our time together, you will have the knowledge, tools, and skill set on how to set yourself up for success using AI, increase bookings, and leverage your time better.


4 days of live training to take you from not knowing how to use AI to an educated and creative AI tool ninja!

Each day, I will be going live in our Members Only Private Facebook group  where we will work on the key items together.  I have taken the highs and lows of my own business to put together these simple steps to help you set up your own business faster without the pitfalls I went through.

  • 4 days of live training from my VIP Mastery Program ($3997 value)
  • PRE-PARTY to get ready for the training

  • MODULE 1: Introduction to AI and how to use it in your BNB business.
    • Ever feel like you are lost in this area???
    • We will give you an overview of AI in BNB Hosting, the importance of listing optimization, and simple tools we can use.

  • MODULE 2: Enhancing your listing with AI
    • Do you find it challenging to outperform your competitors?
    • We will demonstrate how utilizing basic AI tools to create engaging and SEO-friendly content can transform all that for you.

  • MODULE 3: Optimizing visuals and layout using AI
    • Do you feel like your photos just need a little something?
    • We will demonstrate how to easily utilize AI for image selection and layout optimization, highlighting the significance of visuals in attracting guests.

  • MODULE 4: Maximizing profits and future trends with AI
    • Does figuring out your daily rate keep you up at night?
    • We will introduce you to AI-powered dynamic pricing tools to help you adjust prices based on local market conditions. This tool operates even while you sleep.

Oh wait......  Did you think we were done?  Not even close!

Let's talk about the 4 FREE bonuses you get!

Access To Our Pop-Up Facebook Training Group For Support and Accountability ($599):  Consider this your course hub. This is where you can post your to-do projects, connect with other hosts, and get feedback from me and others in the program.

Lifetime Access to the Training Recordings ($599):  Each of our training will be loaded into the course portal and you can revisit them whenever you want a refresher of what we have gone over.

A  Listing Blueprint Checklist ($299):  This is a checklist with all the different ways you can use AI in your listing to maximize profits and get more bookings.

List of Top 10 AI Tools Most Do Not Know About ($199): This is a list of amazing tools that will change your BNB business and the time you spend in it. 

Get step-by-step training to maximize your listing's attractiveness and visibility for just $47!

When you sign up for this mini-course you will get.....  


  • MODULE 1: Introduction to AI and how to use it in your BNB business.

  • MODULE 2: Enhancing your listing with AI

  • MODULE 3: Optimizing visuals and layout using AI

  • MODULE 4: Maximizing profits and future trends with AI ($3997)

  • Access To Our Pop-Up Facebook Training Group For Support and Accountability ($599)

  • Lifetime Access to the Training Recordings ($599)

  • A Listing Blueprint Checklist ($299)  

  • List of Top 10 AI Tools Most Do Not Know About ($199)

Snag Over $5600  in value....

....For just $47

AI Advantage For BNB Host Mini Course$47

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Don't miss this amazing offer!

Special one-time offer, only $17!
Get our list of the Top 25 Done-For-You Prompts to Help Elevate Your BNB Listing in Minutes!!

To get the best information, you need to give the best prompts and with this list, all you do is copy and paste and it's done for you!

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To perform a test transaction, click below to copy a test card number and paste into the field below. Enter any valid date and any 3 digits for the CVC.
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  • Total payment
  • 1xAI Advantage For BNB Host Mini Course$47
  • Top 25 DFY Prompts$17

All prices in USD
